Club House - Fire Agate Carving
Instructor: - Craig Oda
Cost: - $5.00 Club House Usage Fee
Materials: - Please bring your own materials, rough fire agate from either USA or
Mexico, or materials can be purchased from the instructor
Required Tools: - Instructor has required tools but you can bring any of your own
tools and supplies, as suggested below;
Fordum or flex shaft
Various grinding bits (sintered bits are recommended but we understand cost can be prohibitive)
Water tight container, like a flat bottomed bowl or tupperware
Availability: - see Club House Schedule for specific date and time
Description: - Fire Agate Carving is the process of taking rough fire agate
materials and removing the chalcedony layer at a time to expose the fire
agate limonite. These carvings can be turned into cabochons, made into
jewelry pieces, or left as display items, it's really up to the creator of the piece.
The fun is in uncovering if you have the possibility of a brilliant piece of fire