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The Western Washington State Fair in Puyallup 

  August 29th -September 21st, 2025

For many years, the Puyallup Valley Gem & Mineral Club has been a part of the Washington State Fair. Located in the Hobby at the West end of the Showplex Building the Club displays a one of a kind scale model of The Space Needle made completely of rocks.  For the complete story of how the needle was built please click on this link.   In addition to the needle The Club also presents a display of rocks, minerals, and lapidary items created by Club members.  However, probably the most popular Fair activity the Club offers is the spinning wheel where kids can spin to win a free rock.  Many parents who bring their kids to the Club display say that they remember spinning the wheel when they were kids.  Club volunteers are always available to share information about field trips, classes, The Club annual show, and other Club activities.

For More Information Contact: Tony Johnson (253) 987-6751 or,
The Gem Faire at the Washington State Fairgrounds in Puyallup

Friday, March 15th, 12pm – 6pm, Saturday, March 16th, 10am – 6pm
Sunday, March 17th, 10am – 5pm 2025

The Gem Faire is one of the largest gem and jewelry shows in the united states with nearly 50 shows a year in the West Coast and some areas of the Midwest. Annually two of those shows are held at the Washington State Fairgrounds and the Puyallup Valley Gem & Mineral Club has been represented at those shows for the last several years. Each show is just 3 days long and typically many who we see at the Gem Faire wind up becoming involved with our club. 

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  More Information Contact: Tony Johnson, 253-987-6751 or
Special Club Events

Semi Annual Potluck & Auction:  Twice a year, in April and October, we have a potluck and auction fund raiser to provide money for our scholarship fund and general operating expenses.  These fund raisers take the place of the Program Night for April and October (2nd meeting:  4th Friday of the month).  One can expect to eat a feast and possibly own several exciting treasures.  Great fun is had by all.  These events are held at the Fruitland Grange.


Club Picnic:  Every August, Club members get together for a great picnic (pot luck), story swapping and a tailgate sale of good material.  This gathering takes place on Saturday in lieu of the Friday Program Night for August (day following the 2nd meeting:  4th Friday of the month).  This event is held at the Club House.


Holiday Banquet and Awards:  In December, we have our annual holiday dinner party and installation of next year’s newly elected Club officers.  Awards for “Show and Tell” and Verda Lough “Man and Woman of the Year” are presented.  It’s a great time of fun, food and fellowship and we even have a Christmas Tree Ornament contest. This is the only meeting in December and takes place on Saturday in lieu of the Friday Night Business Meeting for December.  This event is held at the Fruitland Grange.


Show and Tell:  “Show and Tell” is a very important part of our activities and occurs at the end of every club meeting at the Fruitland Grange, except on special event nights.  The purpose of Show and Tell is for members to show off what they have created, found on a rockhounding expedition, purchased or just something of interest and to share their knowledge and experiences.  Most meetings have a Show and Tell theme, but members may display and discuss what they wish.  After the meeting is over, you can get a closer look at the material and ask questions of the presenters.  There is always a wonderful array of beautiful items on display.

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