Club House - Rock Painting
Instructor: - Debra Arneson or Megan Hochstrasser
Cost: - $5.00 Club House Usage Fee + $5.00 Instructor Fee
Materials: - Please bring your own materials. If you have any questions about
what to bring, please contact the instructor.
Required Tools: - The Club has the basic tools, but you can bring any of your own
tools and supplies. Tool list would include: flat rocks for painting, paint brush,
acrylic paints in desired colors, paint pallet, and container for water to wash
Availability: - see Club House Schedule for specific date and time
Description: - Rock painting is a lot like what it sounds like. Using interestingly
shaped rocks and specialty paints you create images on stone. You can
utilize the natural silhouette or the stone you can imitate real life creatures or
objects, or you could use a smooth rock you found in a river or the ocean to
paint a picture or pattern. This activity is very relaxing and is super fun to do
with children.